Sunday, May 3, 2020

Update on NerdcampNNE 2020

Dear NerdcampNNE Attendees and Supporters,
It is with deep regret that we announce the official cancellation of NerdcampNNE 2020. The safety and health of our attendees, the committee and the community was the basis for this decision. While we would love to see all our Nerdcampers, we feel the responsible thing to do is cancel the event for this year. Because of the collaborative nature and organic organization of our event, we will not be offering a virtual Nerdcamp. 2020 has been full of disappointments for all of us in a variety of ways, but we are planning to come back strong in 2021 and are determined to continue the work of supporting New England literacy educators. In the meantime, we sincerely hope you are all staying safe and healthy.
Best Wishes, 
The NerdcampNNE Committee